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Sinhala Unicode

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Sinhala Unicode

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BCS & BIT - Computer & Network Technology - 1

Introduction to Digital Communications

ACTIVITY: Basic building blocks of a data communication system

ACTIVITY: Data Communication and Networks

ACTIVITY: Analog Signal and Digital Signal

Select the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) from the drop down list to complete the statements given about analog signal and digital signal.
signals are a series of pulses consisting of just descrete.
 signals are continuous electrical signals that vary in time.
With signals, there's no way to tell whether the received signal is accurate or not, or how it has been degraded.
Photocopiers,Telephones,Audio tapes,and VCRs (same as TV) are examples of technology.
signal uses some physical property, such as voltage, to transmit a single bit of information.

ACTIVITY: Amplitude, Frequency and Phase